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Darling Downs Community Nursing is a local and family owned service provider of Community Nursing and Support services to the Darling Downs Community.
Personalised healthcare provided in individuals' homes, promoting wellness and independence through education, monitoring and supportive care.
We can partner with your Aged Care Provider to provide Nursing Care or other support services as part of your Home Care Package
We provide personalized support and services to NDIS participants to enable you to achieve their goals.
Let Darling Downs Community Nursing assist your group with understand how to live a long and healthy life
We are a dedicated team of experienced registered nurses and personal care staff, committed to providing exceptional care in Queensland's Darling Downs region. We strive to deliver the highest standard of nursing and personal care across our region.
The recent aged care reforms in Australia aim to improve the quality and accessibility of aged care services. These reforms focus on greater transparency, enhanced workforce capability, and increased funding to ensure a dignified and supportive environment for older Australians.
Our dedicated staff offers comprehensive support throughout the aged care application process. We begin with an initial consultation to understand your needs, provide detailed information and advice on eligibility, services, and funding options, and assist with accurate form completion and document submission, including My Aged Care referrals if desired.
So how do you get assistance when you need it? Navigating the NDIS assessment processes can be hard and confusing. We can assist you to understand how to get help when you need it based on your individual circumstances.
Support coordination assists individuals who are participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in navigating and optimising their support services. An overview of the key responsibilities and functions of an NDIS support coordinator includes: assisting you undersatand your plan, coordination of services and service plan implementation.
Earlier this year, for the first time in my life I have had to avail myself of a home nursing / hospital substitution service for approximately three months. Some of the services (24 hr Baxter Packs and Vacuum dressings) were undertaken by Kerrian and her team. What a wonderful experience that turned out to be.
It put me at ease, was very professional and I have absolutely no doubt contributed to a swifter and easier recovery to what was originally envisaged. I cannot speak highly enough of Kerrian and her team, as they were absolutely wonderful and helped me through a difficult time. I would recommend Kerrian’s service to anyone who needs it.
BNSc(hons) GradDipCritCare GradDipEmergCare
Chief Executive Officer
St Andrew’s Toowoomba Hospital
Brian has been given on-going treatment by nursing staff through the Darling Downs Community Nursing Service since being discharged from hospital last year.
We have found the nurses to be professional, co-operative and cheerful
at all times.
We are very grateful to be able to receive this wonderful Service.
We understand the importance of personalised support and assistance when it comes to your healthcare needs. Our dedicated team is here to provide you with the information and guidance you require.
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