As experts in community nursing, we collaborate with your aged care provider to integrate our high-quality nursing and personal care services into your home care package, prioritising your healthcare needs through collaboration.
Recognising the uniqueness of each individual, we invest time in understanding your specific needs. Our dedicated nurses are driven by a passion for compassionate care, prioritising your comfort and well-being while you continue to live in your own home.
Services include wound care, medication management, catheter care, diabetes management, continence assessments and more. We aim to enhance quality of life within the comfort of your home.
We seamlessly integrate high-quality nursing and personal care services into your home care package, working with your aged care provider to prioritise your healthcare needs.
For many aged care programs, assessment by ACAT or RAS is necessary. We will support you in scheduling and preparing for these assessments, ensuring you understand the process and communicate your needs.
Based on your eligibility and circumstances, our team will assess the funding options available to you. We will provide information on funding programs like Home Care Packages, CHSP, and Residential Aged Care.
We understand the importance of personalised support and assistance when it comes to your healthcare needs. Our dedicated team is here to provide you with the information and guidance you require.
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